Yadgar – Unglaublich Curry Geschmeckt!

Curry-Heute findet  Hector an, was sein Lieblings-Glasgow-Curryhaus bleibt Yadgar (148  Calder St, Glasgow, G42 7QP ).  Hector hat neigt, Yadgar als ein Pony mit einen Tricks in den letzten Jahren anzusehen, nicht mehr. Ich habe eine Vielzahl von Tellern hier in meinen neuesten Besuchen gegessen. Heutiger Tag ist zurück zu den Wurzeln mit dem berühmten Goshat Karahi als die Mahlzeit der Wahl. Wenn es einen besseren Curry gibt, der in Glasgow gedient wird, habe ich es nicht gefunden.

“Curry-Today Hector turns up, what its favourite Glasgow Curryhaus remains Yadgar (148 Calder St, Glasgow, G42 7QP).  Hector does not have bends, to Yadgar as a pony with one cheats in the last years to regard, any longer. I ate a variety of plates here in my newest visits. Today’s day is back to the roots with the famous Goshat Karahi as the meal of the choice. If there is a better Curry, to which in Glasgow one serves, I did not find it.”

Well that was nonsense, but such is the frivolous mood Hector finds himself in today, why not?  A one-trick-pony indeed.  (Andrew can you help?)  What does Babble-Fish Curry taste like?  Why the poor attempt at Deutsch?  [Stan.TB] and Jonathan are in Köln today, Hector eats alone, again.

Thanks to an unfortunately timed shower between Hector’s House and the Station, I found myself soaking wet in my lower half and most uncomfortable.  Where the Hector Curry Pound would be spent today was still undecided.  What would make me a Happy Old Hector – it had to be the Curry that has consistently provided the greatest pleasure of the past two years – this was the thirtieth visit to Yadgar, a Curry-Heute Milestone.  A text was sent to Mein Host – Goshat Karahi.  I left to the discretion of the restaurant as to whether this would be Boneless or the classic on-the-bone.  Last Saturday I ordered Boneless but was seduced by the Karela Gosht at the last minute.  In recent visits I have been served Methi Gosht.  I have finally broken the chain of being tied to what is the best Curry served in Glasgow and been brave enough to sample the other superb dishes on offer at this humble establishment.  However today it was back to the roots, oh, I’ve written this twice already.

Entering slightly later than estimated due to the unexplained lack of trains to Glasgow Central Low Level, Naveed, the Every Faithful Servant was on the phone.  He acknowledged me and I took my seat.  Young Ahmed appeared and offered Poppadoms, Chutney, Starters, these were all declined.  Two Chapattis would be sufficient accompaniment.

Mr Arshad, currently the Head Chef, appeared with his lunch and sat at the adjacent table, he acknowledged me too.  A third customer sat alone awaiting his feast.  In a few minutes there was the comical sight of three Chaps all sitting alone, facing in the same direction towards the window, and not a word being said.  When the Curry is this good, one becomes speechless.

The on-the-bone version of Goshat Karahi packs an incredible amount of flavour into one dish.  Seasoned to perfection to bring out the full flavours of the Herbs and Spices, there was a kick too.  How to balance this kick and not spoil the flavour is the mark of genius.  The quantity was also most generous.  Hector was half expecting Shkoor to appear through his Magic Trap Door halfway through my meal, I did receive a text to check all was well.  The kitchen had been instructed to prepare a Hector sized portion.  If this is the case, how can I ever dine here in company again?  Well, ordering the full Kilo between two tends to guarantee absolute satisfaction.  No problem today, this was as much as I could comfortably consume.  The sheer pleasure of every morsel has to be noted, again.

I was left with four small pieces of bone.

The Bill

£9.85.   This included one soft drink.

The Aftermath

The Lonesome Three were progressively replaced by an impressive gathering.  By the time I departed, eight people were sitting with a Kilo of Goshat Karahi.  Perhaps some were there to spectate?

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