Yadgar! Palak Gosht!

 Occasionally Hector just turns up at Yadgar (148 Calder St., Govanhill, Glasgow, G42 7QP) to sample what is on offer. Normally the order is given in advance. As there was no plan for today’s Ale Festivities announced until last evening, the Allison Arms was finally mooted. A good opperchancity to sample the array of Curry-Heute –  Yadgar-style.

Naveed gave me the visual tour of what was on offer. A Chicken Shorva was shunned, as were the Vegetarian options, the Lamb Spinach looked irresistible.

Ahmed brought the now Customary Complimentary Salad. To think back some years to the origins of this Dish and compare it with the chopped Green Olives, Pickled Green Chillies, and Copious Onions with Cucumber and Tomato, well…

I had just placed the last of the Green Chillies on the tongue when Ahmed brought the Lamb Spinach and two Chapattis (£?) to the table. The two fellow customers must have wondered about the Chap who sat behind them, ordered nothing, was brought Food and took the photos.

It was established earlier this year that the Yadgar Spinach Masala is a complex creation. Five Leaves are included in the preparation, to avoid the dominance that is Spinach. With the aforementioned Green Chilli still active on the Palate this was a wonderful addition to the level of excitement.

The Lamb had been sitting in the Palak Masala all day, at least. The Flavours flooded out, Tender Lamb and an astonishing Herb Melange made the Hector gasp. This was yet another Yadgar Curry that the records will show was everything a Curry should be.

For the second time this week the Chapattis also demanded special note. The Chapattis today were perhaps thinner than the norm, lighter, fluffy-even, just perfect. Have the providers of Tandoori Ovens upped their game?

The Curry portion was of Hector Proportions, 1.5 Chapattis (each) has become the normal order when Marg and I share. Will someone introduce the Half-Chapatti?

The Bill

£8.50. One can only conclude that Chapattis are now inclusive, as they should be.

The Aftermath

One has to fear the future of these premises given the continuing redevelopment threat. Enjoy whilst one can.

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