Friedrichshafen – Tandoori Palace

Thanks to the rescheduling of a flight, Hector takes the Opperchancity to visit Friedrichshafen in the extreme South West of Deutschland from where three separate Nations loom across the Bodensee. Regular Readers will know what is to come.  And no, it will not be a flight in a Zeppelin.

The choice of Curry House in Friedrichshafen is simple it is either Tandoori Palace (Schanzstrasse 15, 88045, Friedrichshafen, Baden-Württemberg) or nothing.

Having spent half of the day travelling from Bamberg, Lunch was late, so Dinner was even later, 21.30 or so. The venue was checked out earlier to confirm it was open. Tandoori Palace operates Lunchtime Specials until 16.00 which rotate daily. That could have been interesting, but not to be realised.

There would be five fellow diners which was not a bad situation. The afternoon rains had closed everything down, people had retreated to wherever they go to write up Curry Blogs or whatever. Tandoori Palace is a substantial venue, somebody has invested a considerable sum in the décor. The sort of venue Marg enjoys being taken to, a far cry from Hector’s preferred Curry-Cafés.

Fish was almost the choice, Duck could also have featured but Hector ate Ente for Lunch. So Lamm it was. I noted Karahi at the end of the Menu for pre-ordered Group Eating. Bhindi Gosht was almost the choice but then I spotted Tinda Gosht, that’s a new one (Turnip).  In addition to the expected list of ingredients was Kürbisgemüse. As a fan of Pumpkin Soup this could provide a new experience, but how to avoid being presented with just that? The waitress did not understand my request for – Not Soup.

Small Sauce – was the compromise. Inclusive Boiled Rice was confirmed. This is very much the European way and makes the price of the Main more acceptable.

In the meantime I was presented with a European Poppadom complete with Cumin Seeds. Three Dips were provided, I was warned about The Green OneHome-made and very Spicy. It was.



The Curry looked very Mushy. What was initially taken as Capsicum turned out to be the Pumpkin Variant. Khadu is something I have been cooking with for years and I chop it into cubes. This looked like the exterior of something I knew not. The presence of pips was something I had to cope with.

The Seasoning was notable, this Curry had a serious Salt content. Given yesterday’s visit to Erlangen, this is quite an observation. There was a hint of Bitterness from the Pumpkin and a Subtle Sweetness coming from somewhere, possibly the Masala or even the slightly aromatic Boiled Rice. Bitter, Sweet and Salt, a combination which gave a brand new Overall Flavour, Interesting.

Where was the Lamb?

Compared to the Lamm Karahi served in Erlangen yesterday, one had to go on Safari around the dish to capture the Meat. The Lamb content was pitiful. What was provided was fine, reasonably Tender.  I was given four or fives times as much Duck at Lunchtime in one of those Other Eateries for appreciably less Dosh.

Again, in what is typical of European Curry Houses, the quantity of Boiled Rice was sufficient to feed two, always a waste.

The Bill

€18.40. €4.90 of this was for the 0.75l of Sparkling Water. Had I been in the mood for a Chapatti these were noted at €2.40.

The Aftermath

The Calling Card was received politely.

The ten minute walk back to the accommodation revealed that Friedrichshafen is not a wild place at night.

Tomorrow it may not rain, much. Hector has something planned.

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