Lord Clive and Lady Maggie of Crawley are in town, something to do with a coincidental line-up of celestial bodies tomorrow morning. Their berth was booked two years ago, so who could have predicted that a very delicate Clive would present this evening?
Curry was on the menu, but Clive has eaten only Bananas in the last couple of days. There is a Curry for every occasion, the Masala for Curried Eggs (with Pork Chops) would be ideal, not threatening in any way. By preparing the Rice with Mushrooms and Peas, a Dry Dinner was possible, Pork Chops an option. Eggs are an alternative to Pork Chops. The Masala is a simple Onion and Apple Mash. The Lemon Juice gives the bite.
In the end, Clive settled for the Rice. This left all the more for Maggie, Marg and Hector. As the photo shows, Marg went steaming in. A Simple Sauce, always a winner, and perfect for the occasion.
Will Clive recover full fitness? How many Curry reports will follow this modest Blog?
The weekend approaches, will Clive’s appetite be totally eclipsed?
Are we on the buses now???
Hector replies:
I’ll get you…