Glasgow – DumPukht Lahori – Hector Bounces Back

A Friday afternoon, until recently, Marg would have been busy organising hockey teams for Saturday fixtures, not gorging on Curry. Such are the joys of retirement, however, COVID-19 has put the kibosh on our plans for this week, instead of a restaurant review from the south of France we find ourselves on Glasgow’s South Side. Having enjoyed the amazing delights of Ambala in the last couple of weeks, it was time to – bounce back – to DumPukht Lahori (39-41 Paisley Rd. West, Glasgow G51 1LG). Here one finds the same quality of fayre and at a very attractive price.

It was 14.25 when we entered DumPukht, Aqeel, Mein Host and Chef, was happy to see us. His assistant also greeted us. The place was empty until a few minutes later when three chaps came in and took a table. Takeaway customers were also a feature during our visit, it looks as though DumPukht Lahori is becoming quite established.

Today something different, it was time to try the Lamb Peshwari Karahi 1kg (£20.00), to date the – Lahori – version only has appeared on Curry-Heute.  Salt & Pepper are what distinguishes this interpretation from the Garam Masala in the Lahori Karahi.   Two visits back I had a – Roti – which was closer to – Pitta – with Marg yet to experience this, I showed a photo on the – Oppo – and asked. The assistant fetched Aqeel who studied the photo to identify the Bread.

We settled down and waited for the feast to be created. At 14.55 warm plates were brought to the table, followed moments later by the food. Hector was having Curry at 15.00, the optimum time.

The Bread

Lightly fired and with Sesame Seeds on top, the Bread was warm, soft and so fresh, but not what I had been given two weeks ago. Aqeel would confirm this to be Rogni Naan (£1.50). At the time of writing, I discover I showed Aqeel the wrong photo. Perhaps, what we were given previously will never be repeated. Still, today’s was more than acceptable.

Lamb Peshwari Karahi

It would be hard to distinguish this from its – Lahori – counterpart, the same enticing presentation had the Curry Hound salivating. This creation was possibly slightly paler.

Fresh Coriander topped the Meat and Masala spread across the flat karahi. There was a mixture of Meat on-the-bone and boneless. Ribs and Sucky Bones were present. The Masala had the appearance of – something special – which Aqeel has turned out consistently throughout the summer.

Marg took her first share, I followed suit, we knew there would be no problem finishing this. As we returned to the karahi for more, so it became apparent that Marg was cherry picking her Lamb, going for the smaller, boneless pieces. This suited me, four Sucky Bones came my way, a first.

Marg commented on the – Peppery – Flavour which indeed was to the fore. We had been told that the Peshwari version was – less Spicy – which definitely suited Marg. This Karahi was well within her tolerance level proving that a Curry does not have to blow one’s head off to be outstanding. This was all about the melange of Flavours, such a joy, so easy on the palate and nothing surprising, unlike the Lamb Kadhai at Green Gates Cafe earlier in the week.

The Seasoning was right up there, stretching the limit, Salt & Pepper indeed. Getting this right is crucial as is cooking the Meat to the point of being Tender-Soft and avoiding – pulp. The Oil content was impressive by its absence, very little residue. The volume proved to be ideal, with bones present, two can easily manage the kilo without the feeling of having over-indulged. Also, one is not going to leave wishing the portion had been more.

Aqeel came out to take his bow, glad to see his customers enjoying his creation. Meanwhile, at a nearby table, the three chaps were tucking into the same. The word will spread, the Karahi Gosht at DumPukht Lahori is definitely one of the finest eating experiences in the city.

The Bill

£23.00    Cash only

The Aftermath

Aqeel introduced me to my fellow diners as a legendary eater of Curry around the UK. One of the chaps is a big name in Asian marketing/media, an opperchancity for the Calling Card to be presented.

At the counter, I took my customary photos of the prepared Dishes. Aqeel is awaiting delivery of a new fridge, he can then extend his display, and this will include – Fish.

A Fish Curry cooked by Aqeel, this is most certainly something to look forward to.

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