Edinburgh – Kebab Mahal – Coronation Lamb

After the crowning of King Charles III, Hector found himself in Edinburgh en route to Carnoustie. Before the rendezvous with Marg at Peffermill, there was time for Curry-Heute. Kebab Mahal (7 Nicolson Square, Edinburgh EH8 9BH) was the logical venue.

Arriving at 14.20, Mein Host greeted. This was my first Edinburgh Curry in nine months, by coincidence it was at this very venue en route home from Carnoustie. Why visit Edinburgh?  Monty’s at Haymarket has gone, and that was the only pub in the city, allegedly. Having tried twice, to secure a Lamb Bhuna in Lisboa earlier in the week at Radhuni, Hector was not for giving up. Lamb Bhuna (£10.95) was duly ordered with Vegetable Pilau (£3.65).

The TV was showing Sky News. The appearance of the Royals on the Buckingham Palace balcony, followed by  the curtailed flypast, was timed for 14.30. And so it was.

A mere ten minutes after ordering, the food arrived. More Rice than I could ever manage, but suitably rich with an array of Interesting Vegetables: Potatoes, Carrots, Green Beans, Beans (other), Peas, Sweetcorn. A meal in itself.

Lamb Bhuna

The Meat count was into double figures, each piece decidedly – large. Lots of Lamb here. Wedges of half-cooked Tomato were mixed through also, reminiscent of the once classic Rogan Josh. There was just enough Masala to cover the Rice. Sliced Onions had found their way into the Masala after the base had been cooked.

The – Desi – Flavour was subtle, understated. Seasoning, or a lack of, is a recurring theme at Kebab Mahal. After the sheer intensity of Lisboa Curry in recent days, the next Curry was always going to be a bit of a let down. The Spices in this Bhuna were there, but the lack of Seasoning was apparent.  Chefs have to be – brave.  Hector is missing Rua do Benformoso already.

As I neared the end, a Chap from the kitchen offered me water. Once again, I had forgotten to help myself to a drink from the fridge.

The Bill


The Aftermath

And so to Carnoustie. The tradition of feeding the town was maintained, this time Hector’s – Lasagna.

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