When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
It is with a sad heart that Hector has to accept that Karahi Palace (51-53 Nelson Street, Tradeston, Glasgow, G5 8DZ) in 2023 is not what it was. Three times in recent weeks the shutters have been down, albeit partially. The staff have been on the premises – a Big Job – has been the excuse on each occasion to deny service. This is not the service a restaurant customer expects. Reliable opening times, and of course the quality of the Fayre presented, are paramount, else one takes one’s business elsewhere. For Hector, today’s Curry at Karahi Palace has forced me to reclassify it as a New-co, however, if Chef Rashid ever manages to return, then this decision will be reviewed.
With no cooking duties today, Hector was able to join the BBC – Bad Boys’ Club. Prior to the partaking of ale, there was a ritual Curry. In a phone-call last night to Karahi Palace, having found the shutters down yesterday afternoon, Chef gave assurance it would be business as normal today.
Arriving at 13.35, I greeted Chef with – We’re open!
He apologised for all that has been happening. He and his colleague were on site from 06.00 yesterday morning preparing – a Big Order. As I have posted previously, is Karahi Palace becoming a – kitchen? Chef then instructed me to ignore the shutters – next time – just come in, he will cook for me. So, a – next time – is anticipated, Saturday afternoon is no longer a reliable time for the public to visit Karahi Palace.
Last month Chef was pleased when I confirmed that his Karahi Lamb (£12.00) had the – same taste – as before. Today, Spicy Lamb Korma (£10.00), not the Korma that comes to mind, but the Desi Korma which I have only ever found here, along the street at The Village, where it is not what it once was, and in Berlin at Punjabi Zaiqa. In 2010, the first year of Curry-Heute, the recipe for a Hector interpretation of Lamb Desi Korma was posted. This is a very Special Curry. As has become the norm when ordering Spicy Lamb Korma at Karahi Palace, Mushroom Rice (£5.00) would accompany.
I took my favourite seat, a jug of Water, Modest Salad and Raita were soon brought to the table. Southside tap water has lost its chemical taste, is this then seasonal? Mr. Ali, the new owner, entered with a delivery of supplies. His greeting was warm, with reference to Chef:
I’ve told him to look after you.
He always does – was the somewhat curt reply. Well one wouldn’t expect otherwise.
After an appropriate wait, Chef brought the food. Wtf?
The Wrong Recipe : The Wrong Curry
Yellow, Creamy and presumably containing Coconut, not what the Hector ordered. One can already conclude that all the Karahi Palace recipes and secrets have not been passed on to the New-co. As I had no reason not to assume that Chef knew what I was expecting, and not wishing to waste food, I accepted what was presented.
This is what I was expecting.

2022 Spicy Lamb (Desi) Korma
Previously, on ordering the Mushroom Rice, I have either shared the large portion or decided at the outset that half would become Takeaway. Today’s portion was almost manageable as a portion, wastage was therefore anticipated, too much to eat, potentially not enough left over to justify packing. I now have to question if the price was justified?
The Mushrooms were fresh, important, but this was way more than a simple Mushroom Rice. I would go on to unveil Cloves, Black Cardamom and Cinnamon Bark. Whole Spices, it has been a while. Yesterday I praised the Special Rice at Glassy Central (Glasgow) as being a veritable Vegetable Biryani due to the variety of Vegetables present and the overall Flavour Today’s Mushroom Rice packed even more Flavour. I have to use the term – Desi – this was at another level, and possibly even better than original Karahi Palace.
Eight pieces of Meat, some on-the-bone, sat atop the splendid Rice. Who has ever had a Korma on-the-bone? The Spice Level was certainly above the – bland – which makes this a popular Curry with women and children. How condescending. Korma can be hyper Sweet, fortunately, this was not. Whatever the quantity of Coconut, if any, it was not in the face.
The Lamb at Karahi Palace typically gives back abundant Flavour, Desi Curry. The Meat today wasn’t doing much, Creaminess was drowning all. Even Hector has to accept that Chicken better suits Masalas such as this, e.g. in Patia too. I never wrote that.
At the counter, I showed Chef what I was expecting. Next time – was the response.
There will be a next time. Much has been promised, time will tell if Karahi Palace New-co can deliver.
The Bill
£15.00 Card payments have been restored
The Aftermath
Passing in the bus at 22.30, the shutters were fully down, closed. That is early, though on a Sunday, practical.