Monthly Archives: May 2023

Glasgow – Karahi Palace (New-co) – On The Sunday in Life # The Counter is Reset

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which … Continue reading

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Glasgow – Glassy Central – Open at Lunchtimes, Once Again – Unlike…

Hector was having a good day. The Famous – were winning against their city rivals, a Spicy Lamb (Desi) Korma at Karahi Palace (51-53 Nelson Street, Tradeston, Glasgow, G5 8DZ) could be the icing on the cake. Alas, the shutters … Continue reading

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Glasgow – DumPukht Lahori – Hector Meets The Dignitaries

Rather pay the extortionate fee to enter Glasgow Airport, Marg agreed to pick up Hector outside Green Gates (Renfrew). This was the fallback if DumPukht Lahori (39-41 Paisley Rd. West, Glasgow G51 1LG) was not yet open. The delayed flight … Continue reading

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Wandsworth – Dawat Tooting – A Flying Visit

Kostas is in London! This historic occasion had to be marked, we would rendezvous later. Hector flew south early this morning to Gatwick. Despite my spending last week with Lord Clive and Lady Maggie of Crawley in Lisboa, they were … Continue reading

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Edinburgh – Kebab Mahal – Coronation Lamb

After the crowning of King Charles III, Hector found himself in Edinburgh en route to Carnoustie. Before the rendezvous with Marg at Peffermill, there was time for Curry-Heute. Kebab Mahal (7 Nicolson Square, Edinburgh EH8 9BH) was the logical venue. … Continue reading

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Lisboa – Radhuni – A Question Seeking An Answer

The only way was to prove one way or the other that Marg and Hector ate each other’s Curry two nights ago at Radhuni (Rua do Benformoso 155 A B, 1100-084 Lisboa Portugal) was to return and order the Lamb … Continue reading

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Lisboa – Radhuni – Another Outstanding Curry House on Rua do Benformoso!

An evening Curry for a change, and back to the Lisboa street which keeps giving. After an aperitif at Sputnik, Hector, Marg, Lord Clive and Lady Maggie walked the block southwards to the top end of Ruo do Benformoso, a … Continue reading

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