Glasgow – Yadgar Kebab House – #150 – Day 80

Day 80, OK, Marg and Hector completed the grand – Le Tour Du Monde en 80 Jours – yesterday. Mindful of Michael Palin’s damp squib conclusion to his equivalent televised sojourn, the Hector was determined to mark the end of ours with a bang. Invites were sent out weeks back, after two call-offs, ten still managed to be at Yadgar Kebab House (148 Calder St, Govanhill, Glasgow, G42 7QP) for 17.00, or thereabouts. This also marked review #150 of Yadgar, most of those present today were here for Yadgar #100.

Ordering too little was a worry, ordering too much would be an embarrassment. Four kilos were therefore ordered as Dr. Stan, Marg and Hector awaited the overnight flight from Boston’s Logan Aiport to Heathrow on Wednesday. Three kilos of Goshat Karahi (£30.00) were ordered, two on-the-bone, one boneless. Six years ago, Shkoor, Mein Host surprised us with an Aloo Karahi Gosht complete with Olives. Having been deprived of Olives for the vast majority of our trip, a boneless Zaytoun Karahi Gosht was requested, not on the menu. It was decided to keep this as a surprise, it would catch a few out, even the Hector.

To complement the above, the Vegetable Curry of the day was requested in addition to the customary array of Starters. The veritable Yadgar Feast, tried and tested, and explaining the large turnout.

Shkoor was front of house to greet and monitor our assembly. Alan expected to be ten minutes late but wasn’t, Chapatti John was deliberately so. Martin’s preference was for – Boneless – so I ensured he would be sitting beside Chapatti John who recognises that no bones means more meat. The young waiter came to take the Order, he may have been relieved when I assured him that it had already been placed. He did sort Drinks, the majority having Mango Rubicon, just the one each as it happened.

Plates of Spiced Onions were brought to the table first. Not much happened thereafter. It was approaching 18.00 when things truly got underway.

Poppadoms were hailed,  the medium for eating the Spiced Onions. Plates of Dips were brought with the emphasis on the warmed, red – Chilli.

Two plates of elaborate Salad, featuring Olives were presented. Alan and Stewart were not happy to see Cucumber, a minor issue, pick it out.

Two platters of the real Starters then made an appearance, Chapli Kebab and Fish Pakora, the Yadgar stalwarts, were accompanied by Shami Kebab. The latter have never been a particular favourite of this commentator, however, today these packed a serious punch. As we tore in, so two small plates of Chicken Chat arrived. Last in line, Steve missed out.

More were summoned and duly arrived. The Feast was well underway.

As Steve remarked later – we could have left after the Starters.

This variety of Tastes and Textures is what the Hector has been missing on his travels. Real food at last. The last piece of Fish Pakora came my way, how I have missed it. I’ll be returning soon for more of this delight.

Chicken Chat, i.e. Chicken Wings, I’ve had quite a few in the last few months. No more American Sauces, we’re back in the real World.

The table cleared, Shkoor confirmed that we required a break. Time to digest, a key part in facing up to what was to follow.

Zaytoun Namkeen Karahi

The – surprise – kilo was the first to arrive, the Zaytoun Karahi. The Olives appeared to baffle some, and were correspondingly not so welcomed. What surprised the Hector was the telltale paleness of the Masala, this was a Namkeen Gosht Zaytoun Karahi! The – White Karahi – Salt & Pepper only, well Green Chillies too.

I had asked for this to be – Boneless – such that everyone could try it. With a definite – kick – this would prove to be the Spiciest of the kilos. I suspect that those of us who knew what it was, appreciated the legendary White Karahi most.

There was plenty of time to study this creation, the means of conveyance had yet to arrive.

Whatever the hiatus, the platters of freshly made Chapattis (£0.70) eventually made their appearance. Only a scrap made it as far as Hector initially, I wonder who had purloined them? Chapatti John would later describe Yadgar’s as his – Desert Island Chapattis.

Goshat Karahi on-the-bone

The signature Karahi at Yadgar, two separate kilos, topped with Coriander and Ginger Strips. Back in the field of Tomato-based Masala, this had the colour everyone at least recognised.

Goshat Karahi – boneless

Similarly presented, I’ll accept there was more eating in this version. Two sharing this might struggle, we had plenty of mouths.

After the three versions of Karahi had been divvied out, I must admit, there was not an excess of food on my plate. Maybe the – fifth kilo – could have been justified. There was a consensus that the on-the-bone version was giving more Flavour than the boneless. Not that this was ever in doubt.

The Tenderest of Lamb, giving of Flavour. Minimal Masala, the classic Karahi Gosht, and markedly different in hue than those which have featured on my travels. Hector was home. As shall be seen below, some who have been here oft found today’s Goshat Karahi to be less powerful than in the past. Chef Arshad may be no more, I shall have to enquire, but certainly no sign of the Maestro today.

Having settled down to what was on my plate, I had totally forgotten that more was to come. There was an appreciable gap before the arrival of the Vegetables.

Aloo Gajar Matar

Potato, Carrots, and Peas Curry, when Hector dines alone at Yadgar, this and Fish Pakora has proven to be an excellent combination. Who needs meat?

As has been written oft in these pages, the intensity of Flavour from this Vegetable creation never fails to impress. The Yadgar Taste – so prominent, the mystery remains as to how so much intensity of Flavour can be achieved, though the Hector will always nominate – Carrot – as being the key ingredient. The Yadgar Secret, and not from a jar, as Hector likes to tease.

Saag / Palak

Gemüse is what this would be called in Deutschland, this was Spicier, of course. Not to everyone’s taste, Dr. Stan was straight in there. A Soupçon was sufficient for the Hector.

With everything now on the table, there was a further order of six Chapattis. Hector managed to acquire a decent wedge of hot, straight from the kitchen, Chapatti.

The waiter took two empty karahi away, much to Stewart’s chagrin, he had his eyes on mopping up.

Bread is all that remained at the end, oh, and some of Howard’s dinner. These were duly packed and taken back to Helensburgh.

I had asked Shkoor to – text me a number, towards the end – He duly did so. For a change, no inverse haggling.

The Bill

£219.00 For simplicity, I had asked everyone to bring cash. The tip rounded the amount up to an obvious number.

The Aftermath

When are we coming back? – was already being asked. Hector’s Curry Shekels will have to be spread around a few other venues before this happens.

Our thanks to Shkoor and his staff. Naveed was kept too busy manning the Takeaway to engage today.

I asked for some words from my fellow diners. Ten diners, ten points of view.

Chapatti John

All the food was great although a slight less intensely flavoured curry. Possibly a new recipe. While still great not as scrumptious as previously had. Chapatis were of the highest order


Vast amounts of food, a surprising array of flavours, and some good curries to indulge on.

The only issue was the table was so overladen they took the karahi away before I could mop it clean with a chapati?

Dr. Stan

The karahi was as excellent as ever with a great blend of spices and pleasant kick. I don’t know what the other curry was but it was overwhelmed by the karahi. Good starters and welcome vegetable sides.


I will never get blasé about the food and kindness at Yadgar. As ever, for all the great food on offer, and it was brilliant, the lamb on the bone still stands out as particularly special. Big, big flavour that has never disappointed.


Was a pleasure, thanks for the invite.

Quite a banquet, lovely fish pakora, chicken chat and chaplis, the veg dishes were very tasty and the spinach had a good kick. The main events were lovely but not as rich as previously experienced, maybe more seasoning would have gained the WOW, also was a lesser kick than before. Excellent hosting by the boss, great company , loved the chaps!

Have I said lovely enough?

Better than saying …..


The range of starters were tasty with a good variety of flavours.

The curries were not to Yadgar’s usual high standard. Although the meat was perfectly cooked and seasoned, for me, it lacked depth of flavour and spice.

The vegetable sides were enjoyable but I felt they should have been served alongside the meat and not 10 minutes later.


Great curry, good laugh with the chaps. Give us a shout when the next one is.

Awesome, but on the bone wins hands down, the flavour is more intense than off the bone.


Enjoyed the meal and the company. Poppadoms were delightfully crispy and spiced onions were tangy and sharp, the perfect partner. The fish pakora was beautifully cooked and lovely with the heated red sauce. Chapli kebab and other thing (aloo tiki?) were melt in the mouth gorgeous. Both Karahis were amazing. Although the white one had some unnecessary ballast in it (olives)? Really enjoyed it all and thanks again for invite… I’ll come again ?

Forgot to mention the aloo gobi – amazing, how do they get that flavour into veg? And the palak was excellent too.

Final thoughts – a bit disappointed that John could only put away 3 chapatti’s.


An enjoyable evening in good company.

Who was he out with?

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