After a splendid day in Worthing and Brighton, Clive and Hector returned to the new ‘ouse in Northgate. Knowing that we would both be fading away, Maggie had promised us – something with Chicken. Her slow-cooked Cassoulet is legendary, however, this evening she experimented with a Balti recipe produced by a well known slimming company. Why a Balti? Because the recipe said it was. Why the slimming peeps would produce such a thing, who knows? Everyone knows that Bier and Curry contain no calories.
Chicken, in a slow cooker? That it didn’t shred, impressed. I have read that supermarkets are increasingly sourcing Halal Meat as standard. Halal Chicken retains its integrity for much longer. Maggie admitted to not having all of the ingredients: no fresh Coriander or Onion Seeds. Twice as much Spice as the recipe suggested had been used. Roasted independently, the Big Onion Blobs had been added at the last minute. Onions can make the entire Dish taste metallic if slow cooked. So why use a slow cooker? As the
Hector demonstrated to many a pupil in the fabled – Life after Lomond – Curry Lessons, a Chicken Curry can be knocked out in no time at all. Chicken Curry? Curry-Heute will always proclaim that there is no such thing. Metres from Worthing Hauptbahnhof we passed a Takeaway which appears to concur.
Served with Basmati, the Masala was viscous and not excessive. One dare not ask what was in this and what wasn’t, don’t upset the Host. Maggie did mention chopping Ginger and Garlic then blending.
Spiced a la Maggie, the Seasoning was not a la Hector. Mango Chutney was on offer, this upped the overall Flavour and may have added a calorie or two.
Chicken Curry with Big Onions, was this a Hector wind-up? At least it didn’t come out of a jar with added Capsicum!
Maggie – The recipe did say Capsicum, I left them out.
Clive – Probably the best Curry I’ve had in my entire life.
Maggie, who had had hers earlier and said it was better, fresher – I concur.
Hector – I wouldn’t go that far, but thanks for feeding me.