Manchester – delhi2go – Times They Are A Changin’

A late night Curry at delhi2go (119 Oldham St., Manchester M4 1LN England) has become a rare event. As starting the day with a Curry on a Manchester trip has become almost mandatory, the days of – two in a day – may now be a thing of the past. Burgers (from £4.90)) and Grilled Lamb Chops (£7.99) have proved to be sufficient in recent times. That at least half of The Company head here every night, when in Manchester, still says much about the Fayre on offer.

The menu has changed quite a bit in the last couple of years. Curry has had its prominence relegated, i.e. significantly diminished on the board. This evening, Damien, the delivery driver, and the only member of staff who still recognises the Hector, informed me that Chef Rashid had departed two months ago. The reasons I was given shall not be written in these pages. Suffice to say, if the grills are being prepared front of house by the serving staff, then there can’t have been much for a Chef of Rashid’s prowess to do in the rear. This also confirms Hector’s long established observation that anyone can cook a Kebap.

Also gone from the menu is the – Gourmet Burger. With the standard Burger sold at a more realistic price and all the Toppings one asked for, who was buying the more expensive option?

Last night, I ordered the ½lb Cheese Burger (£6.90). Outrageous, especially when the – half kilo – was planned for this afternoon. The Onions and Pickled Chillies are what gave it height. How could each of these two patties be quarter-pounders?

Whilst I challenge the weight, this Burger was still way superior to anything served in well known franchises.

Tonight it was the other delihi2go stalwart – Lamb Chops. Having watched Marg devour a portion at Kabana two days previously, the desire had been well planted. All Salad and Sauces were declined, I just wanted to sample the Lamb Chops. As with last night, I was having my food here. Why let condensation in the Takeaway packaging kill your food?

I was advised that my Lamb Chops would take ten to fifteen minutes.

The Bill


Four good sized Lamb Chops, suitably cremated, but with the pink from the Tikka Powder adding colour, a slight detraction. Well Spiced, well Seasoned, this was the anticipated delight. Maybe two portions would be better than one? Ordered separately.  I didn’t want it to end. The late night munchies were tamed. Or were they?

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