Glasgow – Curry Cottage – August Bank Holiday

A rainy Monday, another bank holiday, how many thought the Hector was Govan bound once again this afternoon? That project can wait, there’s still the ongoing one in the city centre: Curry Cottage – Indian Restaurant & Bar (91 Cambridge Street, Glasgow G3 6RU). Today was visit #4, a different Curry had each time, unusual for Hector.

Arriving at 14.00, the waiter who served me last time, was just entering, he did remember me, but just to make sure, I took the same seat in the empty restaurant.

I quickly dismissed today’s Specials on the board. None of those Dishes suit the Hector palate. Given the strange hiatus on the palate reported in recent weeks, I decided to conduct an experiment. Instead of repeating the glorious Goat Meat (on the bone) (£14.95), I decided to try Garlic Lamb Mushroom (£14.95). Garlic – may well be a the root of what has been described in these pages in recent weeks as – antiseptic. This Curry could determine if that is what Hector’s palate is reacting to.

The waiter took the Order. Cumin Rice (£4.50) and a glass of tap water were the accompaniments.

Curry Cottage describes itself as a restaurant and bar. The lukewarm glass of water was a bit stingy. Next time I shall be asking for ice, and more water, not that it is generally required.

The Hector was left alone in the body of the restaurant whilst the Order was relayed. I’m sure there must be cameras. Whilst I waited I watched a video clip, filmed in a Paisley grocer, starring a couple who may be getting a visit from the chaps with the helmets soon. Alcohol had been taken, they evidently required more.

After an appropriate wait, the food was brought. This time I was ready:

Can I have another plate please?

Strangely, this request took some minutes to process. What came was little larger than a side-plate. Better than dumping the Rice on top of the Curry though.

The Cumin Rice was a sensible size if one is not sharing. I still think it’s a bit steep for the portion size. Once decanted, it was time to arrange the Meat on the Rice.

Garlic Lamb Mushroom

Ten pieces of Meat, no bones, were arranged around the perimeter of the Rice base. The slices of fresh Mushrooms maybe reached six. Hector could manage a Starter at Curry Cottage in addition to a main course. Enough food to be regarded as – dinner – just. Had I ordered Bread, I would not have been writing this.

The seriously Thick Masala had sporadic cloves of Garlic mixed in.

The Spice Level was initially moderate, I would revise this upwards, significantly around the halfway mark. Yes, a decent Spice Level. There was no doubting the level of Seasoning, totally a la Hector! Damn good Curry. To what extent the Garlic was adding to the richness of Flavour in the Masala cannot be ascertained. What was certain, this Masala was right up there with the best. Then there was the occasional blast of Cumin from the Rice, I waited for one of the Seeds to lodge in the usual spot.

Tender as the Lamb was, it did not give back the same intensity of Flavour in terms of – Spice – but in terms of – meatiness – this was impressive.

The waiter came over to check all was well, it was.

The Mushrooms and Masala created another experience. Mushroom Rice is ordered oft in Curry-Heute, an Interesting Vegetable can add so much more. In my own cooking, I often add Mushrooms as Ballast. These Mushrooms had taken in the intense Flavours from the Masala, another source of pleasure in this Curry. Quality Meat, quality Mushrooms. By the end I had a mouthful of Spice and Meatiness, a truly delightful Curry, and no reaction whatsoever to the – Garlic.

The Bill


The Aftermath

Hopefully, the waiter will come to note my asides.

Seasoning is all – was today’s lesson.

Now to find the Cumin Seed.

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