Düsseldorf – Madina – Taste Of Orient

It is six years since the last Curry-Heute post from the city of Düsseldorf. Five of the venues from 2018 have gone. Somewhat frustratingly, it took years to create a Düsseldorf Curry coverage to come anywhere near matching Köln. The thought of Mainstream Deutsche-Curry does not inspire. Write-ups in Europe, Athena (Hellas) and Lisboa (Portugal) aside, are typically posted with the caveat – this is second division Curry. A couple of years back in Berlin, I was on the verge of giving up until the opening of Punjabi Zaiqa, one never knows what awaits.

A couple of Punjabi outlets in Düsseldorf maintain, however, research suggested they had nothing of note to offer. Afghan is always worth considering, and so the Hector headed to Madina – Taste Of Orient (Friedrichstraße 133, 40201 Düsseldorf, Deutschland). Chalau Qurme Gosht (€9.50) featured on the menu. None of the posted photos showed anything suggesting this would be the standard Korma. If there’s a Desi Korma opperchancity, the Hector will be on it.

The S Bahn took me from Hauptbahnhof to Bilk, two stops. With an arcade on both sides of the road, – the blue dot – was struggling to differentiate. Bürgerhaus Bilk proved to be the correct one, and no, the Hector was not entering a Burger House, though a few Frikadelle may be consumed on this trip. It was 12.40 when instinct took me up the escalator to the arcade eatery.

Number 7, Chalau Qurme Gosht was described as being served with Rice and featuring Veal. With the food in kettles and on display, I watched those in front of me have their orders plated. There was no avoiding the Euro Rice portion. Two Rices were being given. Meat Rice – is what it sounded like when it became my turn. Why not, it looked tastier than the plain Basmati. In addition to the Meat, the Chalau Qurme had Chana and Kidney Beans in the Shorva. This inevitably reduced the meat content, but this was still quite a plateful, for not very much.

Scharf? – I may as well have some added Spice. A spoonful of what I shall refer to as the – Spicy Sod – was tempered by another of Yoghurt. Two small bottles of Fanta (€2.50) completed the Order, this is where Madina are enhancing the profits.

The Bill

14.50 (£12.27) Sterling has gained two cents on the Euro in the last week. Party on.

There was ample seating to be had, and many other options from which to choose. This would be a good place to bring someone who wasn’t bothered about having – Curry. There is wi-fi in the mall, use it, the phone signal is otherwise non existent.

Chalau Qurme Gosht

The contents of the right side of the plate were spooned on to the left. A Soupçon of the Spicy Sod was mixed through. Spice Level was not going to be an issue, steady on, Hector. The Seasoning in the Shorva was spot on. The Meaty Rice gave a blast of Clove, familiar territory. Fruit, a Sultana or two, also adding more Flavour. The strips of Carrot raised a smile, exactly what does a Carrot add to a Curry, no point asking anyone at Yadgar (Glasgow).

The Veal varied from Tender towards Chewy. The ratio of Meat to Beans proved not to be an issue, there was plenty of eating here. The variety of Textures was another positive. Chickpeas rarely inspire this commentator, with the Beans it worked. That the food was lacking the preferred temperature at the start meant it was cold towards the end. The days of being able to wolf down food to avoid this are long gone.

Spice, Seasoning, an array of Flavours and Textures, this was proving to be an enjoyable meal, despite being nothing like the Desi Korma that was hoped for. Chili Con Carne meets Goulasch may be an apt description. There was sufficient moisture that all of the Rice remained interesting. The Hector managing every grain of Rice in a Euro portion? Most unusual.

The Aftermath

The ladies who had served must have been on a break as I departed. The chap standing in wouldn’t have known what I ordered, and so today, no Calling Card. Next time. There will be a next time, and then it will be Quabilie Und Qorme Kofta (€11.00). I liked the look of the large Meatballs and the Masala was dark and hopefully as rich as it appeared.

Downstairs is chocolate heaven, ice-cream too. I know someone who would be amused here.

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