Glasgow – Curry Cottage – An Equinox Curry

Nine days without Curry, nine days without red meat, the legacy of the Antwerpen indulgences. Tempting as Goat Meat (on the bone) (£14.95) may be at Curry Cottage – Indian Restaurant & Bar (91 Cambridge Street, Glasgow G3 6RU), today the Order would be something completely different.

Arriving just on 14.00, there was no sign of the young chap who had served me on recent visits. Instead, it was the Chef who greeted and settled me at my usual table. Moments later, Mein Host, Pratap, appeared from the kitchen at the rear of the premises. It was a case of – long time no see. We had not spoken since my early visits to Curry Cottage back in 2022. That he remembered me, and what I was about, impressed. I had to mark today as being visit #5, and explained the significance: five positive reviews and not only is Curry Cottage added to – Hector’s Recommended Curry Houses, but also – Glasgow’s Top Rated.

Pratap pointed to the – Specials – board and suggested Lamb Pepper Fry (£15.00). I gave two reasons why today this would not suit: my excess of Meat in Antwerpen, and I was not in the mood for something that – dry. Pratap offered to add a sauce. A Sukka/Chukka with Masala, interesting.

Then there’s the issue of – Peppers. The Hector is never going to order this. The Karahi as served at Curry Cottage also features Capsicum, if Pratap is going to be more front of house, the young chap having moved south, then I look forward to negotiations. Flexibility, cooking to order, the sign of a Curry House worthy of the Hector’s custom.

Ginger Fish Pakora (£7.95) and Aaloo Gobhi Mutter (£11.95) were duly ordered.

 I preempted the expected question – No Rice, no Bread.

Sparkling Water? – asked Pratap.

Spooky, he cannot possibly have remembered that from two years ago. Of late, the tap water has sufficed at Curry Cottage. Is there a camera in the kitchen such that Pratap has been aware of my recent visits? Has Pratap been reading these pages?

These questions would not be answered today.

A 750 ml bottle of Sparkling Water (£4.50) was dully provided, better value than many an establishment. Suitably chilled, this justified the investment.

The background music was traditional, but one song intrigued. A wee girl calling for her – Daddy – then the full band joining in making the usual sounds from the Indian subcontinent. I hope I never hear it again. If ever I do, Sound-Hound will be at the ready.

Pratap brought the food and importantly, an extra plate. This included a complimentary Samosa Chat which is not featured on the menu.

Aaloo Gobhi Mutter

A handi! If these have been on the premises all this time, why serve the Curry on a soup plate? The handi was brimming with Potato, Cauliflower and Peas, fresh Coriander had been stirred in. Dry Curry is Hector’s preference, this Dish had no sign of a Masala, and if this was more of a – stir fry – there was no Oil residue either.

The blast of Flavour from the Vegetables took me aback. At Yadgar, I would expect this, but I suppose I rarely order a Vegetable Curry outwith. The Potato had absorbed the Flavour from whatever it had been cooked in. The Cauliflower was somewhere between al dente and firm, reminiscent of how it was presented by those who cooked for us in Auckland. Then, add the far from – mushy – peas, quite a combination. The individual Flavours stood out, the contrasts in Texture worked well. There were signs of stray Tomato and pieces of Cabbage in there too, a lot happening.

Add to this a perfect level of Seasoning and a Spicy – kick, and I was already wondering how I could return to Curry Cottage and not order Aaloo Gobhi Mutter.

One criticism, there was appreciably less Potato compared to the Cauliflower. More Aloo please.

When Pratap came out to check all was well, I had to tell him this was outstanding, the highlight of what sat before me – great textures, great flavours.

Ginger Fish Pakora

Five large pieces of Haddock, in a Spicy Batter, were accompanied by two Dips and a Salad/Garnish. This was quite a plateful. Each piece of Fish was then halved, further confirming the quantity. The specific mention of – Ginger – had me anticipating a blast of this root vegetable, it came, but later. It was the – Fishiness – which immediately stood out. The Chilli Dip was put to good use. There was another surprise on this plate.

I hadn’t paid much attention to the Carrot, Beetroot and Lettuce pieces on decanting, however, the Flavours from these were remarkable. Spot the Cumin Seeds. Again, the contrasting Textures here were a standout. Not only was this an excellent complement to the Fish Pakora, but as I was obviously alternating with the Aaloo Gobhi Mutter, the variety of Textures and Flavours was being expanded further.

Whoever, dreamt up this combination of Dishes should be congratulated, oh, that’s me!

Samosa Chat

A Vegetable Samosa, of course, had been cut into pieces and smothered with Yoghurt, I presume, Cumin Seeds and Coriander. Beneath lay the Chilli Sauce and I believe Tamarind may have found its way in here too. Inevitably, the Samosa becomes – soggy – not a favourite texture, but again today, adding to the array. I suspect Chaat Masala had been added here also. I stirred the sauce to combine all the elements, tasty. Much appreciated.

Chef also made another appearance, I assured him all was well.

Score out of ten? – asked Pratap.

I don’t give numbers, if I like the food, I come back. If I don’t come back then I haven’t been impressed.

(Note how many Glasgow venues have been visited once only.)

I shall certainly be back to Curry Cottage. The young chap who had served me recently suggested the Goat Meat was, in effect, the Staff Curry and could be presented with an even greater Desi/Apna twist. This needs investigation.

The Bill

£24.00  City centre prices, but decent portions.

The Aftermath

Pratap told me that with the extra Chef now on the premises, his lady and fellow Chef, does not come to Curry Cottage until 17.00. Maybe, one day…

As I walked through the mess that is currently the situation on Cambridge Street, so the Cumin Seed made its customary reappearance.

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