Glasgow – Sheerin Palace – Nihari Today

Saturday, 13.00, and the Hector is once again out for Curry-Heute in his home city. Sheerin Palace (300 Allison St, Govanhill/Crosshill, Glasgow, G42 8HQ) has Kofta Anda available on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Having had the appetite whetted last week at the Ramadan Buffet at The Village, Kofta Anda was foremost in mind on entering.

But, there was still unfinished business to be taken care of. On the last visit to Sheerin Palace in November, the hope was to sample their Nihari, reportedly prepared daily. There was none. If you don’t ask…

Today, the young chap behind the counter offered Nihari which had been cooked yesterday. Better still, surely? I added a Naan to the Order and took my seat in the empty dining area.

Another solo diner arrived shortly afterwards, he had his dose of Kofta Anda.

The Nihari and Naan arrived with a separate plate of goodies: Ginger Strips, sliced Bullet Chillies, and a substantial wedge of Lemon. This was going to be fun.

Piping hot, the round Naan, served whole, had risen to create sufficient puffiness. Maybe two thirds would be managed. Excellent Bread, and this – dipping – still feels alien, this is how Nihari is eaten.


The Lamb Shank had a mass of Meat buried under the Shorva. A Shorva, with a distinctive Peppery aroma, which had clearly been thickened. Gravy with an Oily sheen. On adding – the bits – all was set.

The first dip of Naan revealed a Ginger Spicy Blast from the Shorva. The Seasoning was truly a la Hector. The black specks confirmed Pepper, Cinnamon was in the mix also.

I had eaten quite a bit of the Naan before addressing the Meat. Issued with a spoon and a fork, I used both to leaver the Meat off the Bone. With the side of the fork, the Meat was easily separated into smaller, manageable pieces.  There was way more Lamb than was perceived at the outset.

Hot food, always appreciated, the Meat was as Tender as can be. Having sat in the Shorva overnight, it had absorbed Flavour from the Masala. The extra Chillies were not really required, a few pieces taken, abandon the surplus. This Shorva had a – kick. A serious one. Ali, Mein Host, entered the premises half way through my meal. He came through to acknowledge my presence and see what I had ordered.

This is wonderful – I exclaimed.



Moments later, Mobeen, who was front of house and stand-in Chef last year asked the same question?


My wife could not eat this – was my considered reply.

Nihari, a Curry which is the antithesis of that which typically appears in these pages. Fine when the Dish is meant to be – Soupy – and not to be compared with the Soupy Curry served in Mainstream restaurants. This is – Desi.

The Bill


The Aftermath

Usually its a Cumin Seed which wedges itself in a particular spot, today, it was shreds of Meat in multiple interdental gaps. Nobody needed to know that.

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