Berlin – Punjabi Zaiqa – Ausgezeichnetes!

After Poznan, it has to be Berlin, or vice versa. Berlin means the Hector making a bee line to Punjabi Zaiqa (Tromsöer Strasse 6, 13359 Berlin Deutschland). Opened in September 2022, this is Hector’s seventh visit. Lamm Karahi (€14.90) served mit Knochen, on-the-bone, was the big attraction in the early days. On realising that the Lamm Korma (€12.90) is actually the much loved – Desi Korma, this has become the favoured Curry. However, today, Marg may well have added a third – must have.

Once again, U8 was the preferred means of reaching Osloer Strasse, Punajbi Zaiqa lies a few metres away. The furniture has been rearranged, it appears, since last November’s visit. Yes, it is nearly a year since the Hector was in Berlin, where has he been? A young chap served us, no sign of Adnan today. Here Deutsch is required, which does hinder clarification. Our Curry would include Rice, Marg’s preference for a Roti (€1.50) was arbitrary, Rice was coming.

Aloo Keema (€9.90) with a Roti made the young chap smile. I held up a photo of the last Lamm Korma had here.

Desi-style, nicht für Kinder.

Mit Knochen – appeared to be the acknowledgment that the Hector was here for the sublime, not the ridiculous.

Marg took a litre bottle of Sparkling Water (€2.00) from the fridge and secured two paper cups.

Two diners sat in the corner at the rear of the premises. As they left so two other sets of diners would arrive. Business was steady.

Sitting mid-room, Marg could see the TV, and an event ongoing at the Kaaba, Macca. I watched the rotating menu on the screen in order to capture the page I required, before remembering that I could use the QR Code and take screenshots of the entire menu. There have been no price increases this year.

The food was brought on a tray placed on the end of the table. Marg was taken aback by the quantity of Rice. The large handi contained easily enough for three. Marg was not having Rice. I took as much as I thought I could manage, what a waste.

The Roti was served whole. Made from Wholemeal flour, not my preferred style. In time, it did crisp, hence my preference for Chapattis. Marg would manage nearly all.

Lamm Korma

The aroma confirmed the efficacy of this Curry, so distinctive. Ginger Strips and Coriander sat atop the karahi laden with Meat and a Shorva-esque Masala. Arranging the Meat on the Basmati, the count reached double figures. The bone count was commensurate with still having plenty to eat, one Sucky Bone.

The Masala was Thin, but not as watery as the classic Shorva. I dipped my wee piece of Roti in the Masala, – oh yes!

Big Spice, way above the Vindaloo had two days ago at New Namaste in Poznan. The Seasoning was right up there, crucial to creating the – Wow! Whole Spices, the mark of a Desi Curry, a whole Clove was revealed followed by a Green Cardamom.

The distinctive Citrus Flavour was to the fore, yet there was a whole lot of other things happening here. At times, the palate went back to the ferocity of 1960s British Restaurant Curry, then Kabana (Manchester). The latter was no doubt the Clove at work.

The Meat looks soft – remarked Marg. She was right, of course. Tasty Lamb, giving back some sense of Spice, but not the intensity of Flavour from the Masala. As is the custom when Rice is involved, I had held back a fair quantity of the Masala, für das Endspiel. With careful management, the Masala was eked out such that there was no plain Basmati left on my plate. Hopefully, the empty plate is testimony to the degree of pleasure accrued. This Curry has to be had.

Aloo Keema

Again, topped with Ginger Strips and Coriander, the karahi was brimming. This Keema was as it should be, Dry, not even the merest trace of Oil. As Marg cut into a piece of Potato, so the impregnation was visible. The customary Soupçon crossed the table. Another – Wow! – moment. This was superb, a big Meaty blast, Spicy, well Seasoned. This could well be the best Aloo Keema the Hector has encountered, and that based on just the sample. The Hector must experience the full Curry, but that means foregoing Korma/Karahi. Why do I keep coming back to Berlin?

Marg couldn’t finish all her Curry echoing the quantity. At home, Takeaway would have been employed, not possible today. Marg’s words:

A full dish of finely ground Lamb Keema with pieces of flavoured potatoes in amongst the meal. Coriander, strips of ginger and some peas were also present. A wonderful taste throughout and I nearly finished the crispy Roti. The meal was excellent, but I did not manage to finish the dish.

Peas, so actually Aloo Keema Mutter!

(Update, there were no Peas.)

The Bill

27.80 (£23.26)

The Aftermath

Curry in Athena, Curry in Berlin, on the same trip, in effect. The Hector has had his pleasures. I asked Marg:

What would you like to do now?

And so we walked along the banks of the Spree before visiting one of Marg’s latest coffee shop discoveries. Meanwhile, the afterglow of Citrus continued until the hidden Cumin Seed revealed itself.

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