Punjabi Zaiqa – Berlin – Deutschland

Punjabi Zaiqa – Tromsöer Strasse 6, 13359 Berlin Deutschland

Originale Pakistanische Küche

Located a few metres north-east of U Bahnhof Osloer Strasse, Punjabi Zaiqa fills a much needed gap in the Berlin Curry scene.

Opened in the autumn of 2022, finally, there is a breakaway from Curry for the German palate, or – what Berlin restaurateurs think people can handle.

In discussions over three days in November 2022 with Mein Host and Chef – Kaka Jutt – and his able assistant, Tandoori Chef – Adnan – their determination that Punjabi Zaiqa will serve authentic Punjabi Cuisine, in the proper manner, and at the right Spice Level, was made clear. As the business becomes more established so they plan to expand the menu further.

A spacious room, Punjabi Zaiqa operates a self service system. Order at the counter, pay, then wait until summoned to collect the food. For drinks, take them from the fridge and up to the counter at the point of ordering.

Punajbi Zaiqa is open seven days from 11.00 until 23.00 although the limits of these times are yet to be tested.

Lamm Karahi mit Knochen

Lamb Karahi is served either boneless, or better still – mit Knochen (on-the-bone) as this King of Curry should be. Chicken Karahi is also available for those who prefer. A sliding price scale is in operation such that one orders appropriate to the number of diners. The Karahi is then served on a flat karahi, from which to share. One eats Karahi with Bread.

Lamm Korma mit Knocken (Desi)

The above Lamm Korma bears no resemblance to the mild, creamy, coconut-rich offerings in Mainstream Curry Houses, this is served in the Punjabi style, a – Desi Korma. It is therefore Spicy! Rice is the recommended accompaniment.

Else, the version with a Cashew Nut based Masala can be served.

Lamb Korma – Cashew Nut Sauce

Aloo Ghost

Aloo Ghost can traditionally be served in a soupy Masala, a Shorva. Here they choose to present a thicker Masala with abundant Potato and Lamb on-the-bone. This was the spiciest of the Dishes had to date.

Fisch Curry

A mass of Fish in a sweet, thick Masala.

Aloo Keema

Chicken Biryani

Aloo Gobi

Chicken Mainzi Tikka

There is a superb array of Starters, but who could justify these given the size of the main courses?

Daal Soup

2025 Menu

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