Glasgow – New Karahi Palace – Iterum!

Glasgow New Karahi Palace Curry-Heute (1)After the shakiest of starts four years ago, Alan is now fully on board with the delights that are served at The New Karahi Palace (51-53 Nelson Street, Tradeston, Glasgow, G5 8DZ). This evening he suggested we take his Dear Lady for her first experience. Sadly, Marg could not be with us.
The Karahi Palace may not have the Ambience of Mainstream Glasgow Curry Houses, but one does not eat tablecloths. It was decided to take a photo as Alan and Tracy entered and another as they left, just to prove our confidence levels. Tracy would still be talking to us, she would also be blown away by the Quality of The Fayre.
Ayaz was at his post, I gestured – Upstairs –  gemütlich, compared to the four tables at street level. Having chosen the table at the window where the heaters are located, we abandoned the Upstairs almost immediately, Downstairs was perceived as warmer. Our minds were changed on this given the frequency of the door opening and closing.
Qaser was on Delivery Duty so Ayaz was dealing with front of house.  Chef Rashid was on duty, all was well.  Two Portions of Lamb Chops, to share. Alan and Hector would have The Usual – Lamb Karahi on-the-bone, Well Seasoned, Extra Methi. It is written. Tracy wished Similar, but with Chicken and Boneless. Chicken Tikka Lahori Karahi on-the-bone has been described by Dr. Chris as – The Best Curry in Glasgow – especially served in the Half Kilo. Hector was very interested in how the Boneless version would fair.

Glasgow New Karahi Palace Curry-Heute (2)Glasgow New Karahi Palace Curry-Heute (5)Glasgow New Karahi Palace Curry-Heute (7)

This was Tracy’s verdict on the Lamb Chops. Another opperchancity to remind The Readers that this Lady does not like Lamb. Four Chops per Portion, The Chaps enjoyed three each, just enough to whet the appetite. The Modest Salad and Raita arrived as a bit of an afterthought.

Up to The Usual Standard
Glasgow New Karahi Palace Curry-Heute (9)The Mains came after a suitable gap. Sizzling in their respective Karahi, way too hot to start eating, time enough to take a 20 second video.
Wednesday’s Curry at Sagra, Halifax had – The Wow! – Bradford-style Curry at its Finest. What is served at the New Karahi Palace is totally different, this particular Dish one suspects owes its origins to somewhere west of Punjab.

Glasgow New Karahi Palace Curry-Heute (11)Glasgow New Karahi Palace Curry-Heute (14)

Whatever, wherever, again Curry at the Highest Level. Dear Reader if you know of anywhere better please let The Hector know.
Glasgow New Karahi Palace Curry-Heute (10)Tracy’s Chicken Tikka Karahi intrigued. It did not look a whole lot different. Tracy admitted to not being that bothered about the Chicken, she would have been just as happy with the Masala. The Masala is what makes this Karahi, the Mash is so far from the Mainstream Curry Sauce this has genuine Character. If one has not been here to try it, then why not?

Glasgow New Karahi Palace Curry-Heute (12)Glasgow New Karahi Palace Curry-Heute (15)

Normally Alan and Tracy order a Garlic and Coriander Naan.  Tracy was advised that the Chapattis served here were Appreciably Better than those serve in the Mainstream.  Again, the Chapattis, though halved, impressed with their Girth.

Tracy will now sing the praises of the New Karahi Palace.
I’d have that aagin.
I was impressed.
I’ll come back… though this was predicated with – in summer.

Two pieces of Chicken Tikka were leftover, not for long.  as Hector suspected, it was simply Chicken Tikka, without The Masala that’s all it was.

Winter approaches, the clocks go back tonight, once again the question has to be asked – Why?

The BillGlasgow New Karahi Palace Curry-Heute (16)
£37.60. A Cheap Night out for us, no £20.00 supplement for Cider.

The Aftermath
It was only 21.00, the night was young…  time for another photo.

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