Glasgow – Yadgar Kebab House – Still Open for Daytime Business

It’s Lidl Shopping Day with Mother, it could also be Hector’s last Glasgow Curry for some time. Manchester is calling then … somewhere new and far away. In ten days or so, all shall be revealed.

Meanwhile there is the small matter of an event which occurred yesterday: the 8 million mark was reached on Curry-Heute. My continuing thanks to those who read this Blog, and especially – The Curryspondents – who add their comments.

Yadgar Kebab House (148 Calder St, Govanhill, Glasgow, G42 7QP) opens daily at Noon except Friday (14.00), yet it took me until 12.30 to get through to order two portions of Goshat Karahi (£8.00), one on-the-bone, one boneless, plus one portion of Vegetable Rice (£3.00). The latter has dropped off the Menu.

I said I would arrive before 14.00 but was asked to come later, it’s Ramadan, the Chaps had another place to be. Effectively, for the next few weeks, every day should be treated as a Friday.

Mother and Hector arrived at 14.10, the shutters were still down. Shafiq was first to arrive back bearing a cargo of Milk. So is – Milk – the Yadgar Secret Ingredient? I very much doubt it, a lot of milk though. The new Young Waiter brought plates etc. We declined the offer of Spiced Onions and Poppadoms. Shafiq made a similar offer, Chapattis were also declined. Knowing the Portion Size of what we had ordered, this would be quite enough. I did ask Shafiq to ensure that the dinner plates would be warm, this always keeps Mother happy.

Chef Arshad walked into the otherwise empty dining area and spotted Mother. He did a double take before spotting me. The Staff were trickling in, another Chap who has been here for years and I know not what he does in the kitchen, made a beeline for Mother. He whispered something complimentary about Hector. Hector is well known at Yadgar.

Shafiq brought Hot Plates then the Curry, two generous portions, and as anticipated a mound of Vegetable Rice. Even when this was split in half, it still looked Substantial.

Mother tore into the Vegetable Rice, she was quite content eating this and had to be reminded that the plate of Boneless Goshat Karahi before her was all hers.

Goshat Karahi on-the-bone

The Goshat Karahi on-the-bone was a lighter colour than the Boneless. Here is proof, if ever any was required, that they were prepared separately. I took some of the Boneless for comparison purposes, this is the Soupçon at the top of the photo of Curry and Rice.

Goshat Karahi boneless

The Vegetable Rice at Yadgar is Magnificent, there is nothing to compete with it since The Village abandoned theirs. Potatoes, Cauliflower and Peas in abundance, how does the Flavour of the Cauliflower come through so prominently in the Melange?

The Spice Level in both Dishes was well pitched, enough, no need to intimidate the Mother. As I ate, what at first felt – Mild – developed into Spicy! The Seasoning was well down in the on-the-bone Goshat Karahi, one suspects that when Shkoor is involved in the Order, he ensures it is prepared – The Hector Way – with more Spice, Seasoning and Methi. The distinctive – Yadgar Taste – was present, but nowhere near the – Wow – standard.

Mr. Anwar Sr. emerged from the kitchen, he has met Mother a couple of times now. I related my Ramadan Buffet visit to The Village and that finally I have acquired a tolerance, even liking, for Haleem, though Paya they can keep.

Regarding Paya, Haleem and Nihari:

Very heavy – was his verdict.

Indeed, as describes Yadgar’s Goshat Karahi which is why one does not have this too often.

It is about time The Chaps returned for more Lamb Chops Achari.

The Bill

£19.00.  Menu prices.

The Aftermath

Having eaten @15.00, that was it for Hector today.

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