Manchester – delhi2go – Hector, Patron of the Arts, is summoned

I have been trying to behave this week. Only on Wednesday have I succumbed to a late night feast at delhi2go (119 Oldham St., Manchester M4 1LN England). Howard left the Crown and Kettle to fetch a Takeaway for himself and Tracey. He was recognised as being a friend of Hector at delhi2go. He returned to the Crown and Kettle to inform me that one of the staff had asked – if Hector was in the vicinity. I guessed this would be Mian, Mein Host, whom I had missed on Wednesday. Howard said he desired to see me but warned the he might out doing deliveries.

I dragged myself the short distance down Oldham Street to delhi2go, Mohamed was serving, I said I had been summoned, he looked puzzled. Mian appeared and was very pleased to see me. Hector rated a hug. Unfortunately we didn’t get much of a chance to talk, he was off out again. I used the valuable moments to tell him that which I desired to regarding my visit two weeks ago. Now he knows, and Mohamed has it sorted.

The Chap sitting minding his own business was caught apparently minding his own business, or maybe he wasn’t.

So, Hector finds himself in a Curry House. A second, or even third Curry in one day is not unknown in these pages. What the hell, Lamb Chops (£5.50) are great value here. I have recently seen over £12.00 being charged for five Lamb Chops.

There are Four Chops

I was convinced there five Chops when I took the photo, there were only four bones at the end. The Downsman (Crawley) and Akbar’s (Glasgow) serve the best Lamb Chops I have ever encountered, these were not far behind. Cremated – as I had asked, well marinaded, Spicy, Succulent, full of Flavour. I thoroughly approve of the new Meat supplier at delhi2go.

The Aftermath

The Chap in the photo brought a piece of card to the table. To quote one of my favourite Captain Picard lines – Oh, it’s me.

The Lamb Chops suddenly cost more than I had envisaged.

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