Lockdown Curry #19 – Karahi Palace – Qaiser Can Cook!

The weekly journey to the Southside for a Takeaway is becoming a mini pilgrimage. Today it was a return to Karahi Palace (51-53 Nelson Street, Tradeston, Glasgow, G5 8DZ). I phoned in my Order around 13.00 so as to have it ready for the preferred Saturday afternoon Curry time of 15.00. Once again Marg will spend her Saturday in a garden elsewhere, leaving Hector to have Curry, Football, Zoom and Bier. How many more weeks of this?

The 5.1 mile drive was judged to perfection. Parking around the corner in Centre Street, I entered Karahi Palace right on 15.00.

Qaiser was manning the kitchen, a new chap was front of shop. This is the first I have seen Qaiser in months, he was putting the finishing touches to my half kilo of Karahi Gosht (£12.50), the Chilli and Coriander Naan (£2.50) was already wrapped in aluminium foil.


I took the opperchancity to photograph the prepared Curry. Mine would be way better.

The Bill

£15.00  Note the half kilo.

Qaiser presented me with a small flyer, this advertises the new Karahi Palace website and their – app – simply called – Karahi Palace. Unique, they got there first.

I’ve put in extra Methi and Salt – Qaiser assured me as he handed over the poly bag.  He knows how Hector likes his Karahi Gosht.

Qaiser has learned the art of preparing Karahi Gosht in the last year or so. Ayaz, Mein Host, and Chef Rashid are good people to learn from. If only Hector could be invited for lessons also.

On reaching home, no further heating was required. The aluminium foil containing the Naan, was hot to touch, the plastic container also.

The Naan, still whole, was Thin, well fired. The large perforations may have gone some way to stop it rising. Chillies and Coriander had been embedded in the dough before the Naan was cooked. I reckoned half of the Naan would suffice, in the end, Marg brought through another sixth before heading out for her picnic.

A well known and reliable Curry Blog records that I had this very meal fifty two weeks ago today. I described the Chilli and Coriander Naan, cooked that day by Chef #2 Anwar, as the best ever. The standard was set. This also reminds me that today should have been the climax of the Glasgow Real Ale Festival – G-RAF.

Karahi Gosht

Ginger Strips, and Green Chillies sliced lengthwise, topped the Karahi. There was a lot of Oil and so potentially a lot of Flavour. Tomato skins and Seeds stood out in the Masala Mash. No needless blending here, this Masala had pedigree.

I decanted a generous portion, tomorrow’s lunch taken care of.

Ah – cough – Wow!

This was an aggressive Curry, the Chillies bit hard. The intensity of Flavour was remarkable, Hector had his Methi and a brave level of Seasoning. Some of the Meat was Soft, some slightly chewy, and there was a Sucky Bone. Hector was in his element, in the zone, a decidedly happy place. As I have written oft with regards to the Karahi Gosht served at Karahi PalaceI could eat this every day.

The quality of their Karahi Gosht never fails to astonish.I had judged the quantity to perfection. The appetite was sated, there was no temptation to go back for more. However…

The Aftermath

The Midnight Munchies took hold once again. A Soupçon was reheated, wonderful!

Tomorrow’s lunch may have been reduced, it will still be magnificent.

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