Glasgow – Punjabi (Ibrox) – A Takeaway, by Order

Home-cooked Curry, or a local Takeaway, the current choices. However, Mother related support at the QEUH required a trip across the river. Having done the necessaries, Marg stopped off at Punjabi Ibrox (Paisley Rd W, Glasgow G51 1RF).

Hector had Mainstream Curry in mind, hence the choice of venue. A home-cooked Fish Karahi may well make an appearance in these pages at the end of the week.

The Takeaway Order this evening was Lamb Achari (£8.95) with Mushroom Pilao Rice (£2.95) for Hector, Lamb Rogan Josh (£8.95) and a Chapatti (£1.00) for Marg.

Before Jazzy, Mein Host, disappeared into the kitchen to assist his Chef, he and Marg discussed the ongoing situation. Jazzy has had to let one member of staff go and furlough another. Business has been slow, so we were glad to help out this evening, a Tuesday, usually the quietest night of the week.

The Bill

£18.85 The above prices are discounted for Takeaway.

On presenting the Order, Jazzy asked after Hector. Marg’s response:

He’s a bit grumpy because he cannot travel.

With no trips planned before March, this is going to be a long winter.

A hot oven was waiting for the Order when Marg reached home. It was pleasing to see that the Curry and Rice had been packed in foil containers. Fifteen minutes later it was time to reveal the contents.

The Mushroom Rice was as good as it gets, just look at the richness of colour, the full-on Pilao effect. Also, a heaped plateful, enough to share if I had included Bread for myself. Sliced Chillies had been added, and most importantly, the Mushrooms were fresh, definitely not tinned.

Lamb Achari

A bit – Soupy – in the foil container, but once spread across the Rice, the blended Masala was certainly not excessive. There was no need to count the meat, it was abundant.

Curry & Rice, back to basics. The Spice Level was moderate until the sliced Green Chillies from the Rice kicked in. Soft green mushy bits had me worried momentarily, ah, the Lime Rind. There was enough of a Pickle blast, the required tanginess was therefore present. The Spices on the Rice added more Flavour, everything was coming together. Then there was the Lamb. Beautifully soft, tender, one can safely assume this Meat had sat in its stock for some time. The Mushrooms added the required – diversity, the Pickle made this so much than just a straightforward Curry, Hector had chosen well.

Lamb Rogan Josh

Perhaps redder than the Achari and a bit more oily, the Rogan Josh again looked – Soupy. Marg started eating directly from the foil container then decided to decant to her dinner plate. It was at this point that the slight Creaminess in the Masala was manifested. What happened to the days of Rogan Josh being free of Cream and Tomato being dominant? I should ask Bill, once of this parish.

The Chapatti was large and substantial. Staying soft throughout the time of eating, this is exactly what was required.

Readers will know that Marg has an uncanny knack of ordering Curry with big blobs of Onion, something she abhors as much as Hector despises Capsicum in Curry.

What’s that? – I asked pointing to something light and shiny in the foil container. It was the first sign of what else was here apart from the Lamb. The blobs were set aside, a warning on the Menu may have avoided this.

Marg’s verdict:

Succulent lamb with a creamy and flavoursome sauce. Too much onion for my liking, but (I) thoroughly enjoyed the overall taste.

Onion aside, both plates were cleared. Good value vis a vis quantity.

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