Manchester – Real Taste – One Curry Pot : Two Different Outcomes

Real Taste (21 Broughton Rd, Cheetham Hill, Manchester M8 8LZ England) showed up on a search in Google Maps, a new venue, or one not spotted before? I agreed to meet Steve at 13.15 outside the Curry Cafe.

En route up Cheetham Hill Rd, I took in the stretch that is evolving into “The Northern Curry Mile“. Real Taste adds to the growing cluster. I passed the four venues which have been reviewed in Curry-Heute in recent years. The other Kabana is in the diary for tomorrow – Baterai/Quail – on a Wednesday.

This is my sort of place – I said to Steve as we walked into Real Taste. With six tables, each accommodating four diners, we would have our choice. Had we arrived ten minutes later, it was standing room only. A popular venue.

The Menu was on display boards, one for each day of the week. Mein Host talked me through the contents of each kettle, Paya was there, not for Hector. Lamb Karahi it had to be, a safer choice, and necessary for comparison purposes. Having seen the Oily Shorva, I asked for Rice, the logical choice. Steve ordered two Chapattis.

The Bill

£5.00    Cash only, and I was apparently charged at the rate for – Rice and Three. Steve paid £6.00.

Lamb Karahi

Steve’s plate had the naked Curry, no foliage today. He uttered an immediate – Wow! It’s got taste! – as he dipped his Wholemeal Chapatti into the Shorva. I was still getting myself sorted, expectations were high.

The Rice absorbed a fair quantity of the Desi Masala, the excess sat atop. I counted the Lamb served on-the-bone to double figures, a huge portion for the price. The Meat was wonderfully soft, having sat for some time in the Shorva, it had taken on a good Spicy Blast. This is the Manchester Curry Cafe scene.

The Spice Level was therefore commendable, the Seasoning was decidedly low. Where was the – taste – which Steve was enthusing about? Had it been taken in by the Rice? I watched a watery residue collect on my plate. Any Flavour had been lost.

Across the table, Steve was still enjoying the moment. I dipped my spoon in his Masala, wtf? This had it all, Seasoning and the Desi Flavours one seeks. This Curry came from the same kettle, we saw it being served, one can only deduce that going second had made the difference. My Masala came off the top, Steve’s was from much deeper down the rabbit hole.

The Curry House filled up, the chaps beside us polished off a mass of food, how can they put away so much Bread? Hector’s slower eating pace meant that tables were becoming free again. Mein Host came out to sort the chairs at the adjacent table, the opperchancity to present the Calling Card.

That went down like a lead balloon – I said to Steve. OK, Mein Host was busy and I doubt he understood what I had showed him. We bade a warm farewell as we departed, this was reciprocated.

The Aftermath

Having felt a bit done out, I resolved that there would be more food this evening. I popped in to delhi2go last night, Chef Shahid is keen to cook for Hector.

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