Glasgow – Karahi Palace – Business as Usual

15.00, a Saturday afternoon in Glasgow, time for Curry. Today was the day for what has become the monthly visit to Karahi Palace (51-53 Nelson Street, Tradeston, Glasgow, G5 8DZ). This is Hector showing self restraint, it could easily be a weekly visit.

I didn’t ask about the work going on outside.

Another solo diner was in situ as I took my usual spot. Another Curry Guru, of sorts, he was finishing Chicken Tikka with Rice - something plain - as he put it, - Karahi Palace don't do King Prawns - I was informed.

The usual? - asked Ayaz.

Indeed, but instead of my customary Chapatti (£0.80) I opted for a Coriander Naan (£3.00). Karahi Lamb (£9.00) as always, would be the main event.

The lady brought a much welcomed jug of water, there was a smile of recognition. It's 18ºC today in Glasgow, fear not, snow is a possibility next week. The water tasted of bleach, what has happened to Loch Katrine's finest? The Modest Salad and Raita confirmed I was home.

With Ayaz front of house, and no sign of Chef Rashid, it was another chap who prepared the Karahi Gosht. It became clear that he had been well tutored in all things Karahi Palace.

The Coriander Naan was a work of art. With burnt extremities, and a big blister forming to one side, there was a combination of thicker edges and a slimmer centre. Plenty of Coriander had been mixed in with the dough. Light, fluffy, this Naan was so good I nearly managed the lot.


Karahi Lamb

One day, I'll count how many times I have had this Curry at Karahi Palace, it must be more than one hundred. Sizzling as it arrived, this provided the confirmation that the food would retain its heat whilst I ate. The Ginger Strips and Coriander Toppings were accompanied by sliced Green Chillies in the mix. I took a moment to appreciate the peripheral Oil, this may have its detractors, it has to be there.

The Tomato-based Masala Mash was scooped on to a piece of Naan, Hector was home, another truly special moment. The Spice hit the palate hard, Chef had not held back. The distinctive flavours of a Karahi Palace - Karahi burst on to the plate, consistency.

One - Sucky Bone - plus a few more from which the Meat was easily removed. My first Curry in eight days, my first Lamb in eight days. I never count the quantity here, there's always enough.

Ayaz checked on my progress, I gave the thumbs up.

Where are your friends? - he asked, knowing that I have been here either with Marg or mostly alone in recent times.

They have got out of the habit - it is about time this was addressed.

The Naan proved to be a good choice today. I was hungry, a Chapatti would not have sufficed. At one point I thought I manage the entire Naan, one day.

The Bill

£12.00 I must ask who the company is that shows up when paying by card.

The Aftermath

The briefest of farewells, back out into the heat. Enjoy it whilst one can.

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