Glasgow – The Village “Curry House” – Eat Out to Help Out

The last sit in Curry as Lockdown became enforced was at The Village “Curry House” (119 West St., Tradeston, Glasgow G5 8BA). That day turned out to be the last Marg would ever work. It was fitting therefore that on the eve of her erstwhile colleagues returning to the chalk face, we should make our return.

Hector – messagedThe Village a few days ago to confirm that they were part of the – Eat Out to Help Out – scheme. This was confirmed, and they would be operating on – a first come first served – basis. Arriving at 18.30, there was quite a crowd outside, not queuing as I established, but waiting to be called in. Master Baig, aka – Kasif – was managing the door. Fifteen minutes – was the estimated wait. For obvious reasons, we were asked to wait outside, fortunately there was an umbrella in the car.

Forty five minutes later, Kasif beckoned us in. A window table was allocated. There were far fewer tables than normal, all suitably spaced. The booth seats from the balcony had been brought down and formed a central line of tables. The high backs of the bench seats offered much more than the privacy for which they had no doubt been conceived. All staff wore masks, all but one in the proper manner. Hand gel was at the entrance where one was expected to log in using a QR code. Mr. Baig, Mein Host, was front of house wiping down tables between customers.

The – new menu – was brought, my second encounter with this frustrating publication. Tonight, one could afford the highly inflated price for the Lamb Tawa Kirahi (£34.99), but Hector’s mission this evening was to experience a classic Village Curry. My favourite Dishes keep disappearing from the Menu, Achari Gosht (£9.95) has survived the cull. Special Rice (£3.25) would accompany despite – Mushroom and Peas – being a far cry from the outstanding Vegetable Rice of ten years ago. Marg decided to revisit the Curry which proved to be particularly pleasing last timeLamb Lahori Karahi (£10.95) along with a Tawa Chapatti (£1.10).

During our wait outside, we had agreed that an appetite had been well and duly worked up, Lamb Chops (£7.95) had to be. Our customary litre bottle of Sparkling Water (2.95) completed the Order.

Having stood outside, it felt as if we knew those who sat around us. The large family groups had been sensibly split. There was a limit as to how many people could be sat at one table.

Lamb Chops

A portion of three, one for Marg, two for Hector, four would have been better. Marg commented on the presence of Coriander in the greenery, Hector’s attention was focused on the Meat. It has been a while, too long. Cremated, yet succulent, the perfect Lamb Chop. My precious. I could have eaten four.

There was a sensible wait between courses. Although every table was occupied, The Village was far from full. I hope to see once again, the crowd which gather on the famous Buffet Nights. We all missed out on the Buffet to mark the end of Eid. I suspect that these nights are even better value than the Chancellor’s Scheme in operation this evening.

The Special Rice, wtf? The conical dish was decanted, the contents hardly covered the centre of the plate. Suppose we had intended sharing? Mr. Baig, you cannot charge £3.25 for this. As mentioned above, the Vegetable Rice at The Village was once an integral part of the meal, outstanding in Flavour and featuring an array of Interesting Vegetables. Hector is not impressed by what is presently served.

The Wholemeal Chapatti matched Marg’s requirements.

Achari GoshtThe Village blended Masala glistened, this has been the source of much pleasure over many years. In a time before the conception of Curry-Heute, Hector would gorge on this at least twice a week. I decanted the Meat, eight pieces, just. This is why ordering by the kilo should be more satisfying.

The blast of Pickle is exactly what was anticipated, the Aniseed took me surprise. The Spice was there, the Seasoning spot on, wonderful. The Lamb was delightfully – Soft. I had to eke out the Meat, the Rice, the Masala, the overall portion felt pitiful. I ate the lot, Lime Rind included. Back in the day I used to tell Mr. Baig as I left The Village that I was always sad as my time of eating his Curry ended, tonight this came far too quickly.

Bring back the Lamb Desi Qorma.

Lamb Lahori Karahi

The single portion, served – Boneless – and – Medium – as requested, looked to have a much more satisfying quantity. Ginger Strips and Coriander topped the Masala, Syboes were spotted also. Dark and Thick, here was the classic Masala Mash for a Karahi.

Marg did not make her usual remark about the Spice Level and so this must have been well within her tolerance. A piece of Lamb crossed the table, I decided to keep this until I had finished the Achari. Seeing my plight, an extra piece was left. Unfortunately, due to the intensity Flavour of the Achari, there was no way anything else was registering on Hector’s palate. I did note that the Lamb had a totally different Texture from that in the Achari, highlighting the difference between Curry and Karahi.

As the last morsels were being swallowed, Mr. Baig passed the table. Insane – was his word to summarise the events of recent times. This may well have included the – half price – offer this evening. Marg, who does not have a hotline to 11 Downing Street, assured him that he will be reimbursed. Think about the auditing. Every – Bill – will have to be examined to check that the Eat Out to Help Out scheme has been applied correctly. At least The Village does not serve alcohol, so everything applies.

The staff tonight, mostly new, were excellent.

The Bill

£36.15 – rounded down to £18.07. Thank you, Rishi.

The Aftermath

I took the cash over to a busy Irram at the till she manages so ably on the Big Buffet Nights. She asked if we had enjoyed the food, indeed we had, however, I had to get in my dig.

Can we have the menu back from ten years ago?

Irram suggested that if I go on a quiet evening, they will cook whatever I desire.

Name the night!

Something which puzzled throughout the visit – why had so many people brought in boxes of cupcakes this evening?

Other news

Indian Mango (München) put out a message this evening to say that they are open on Mondays as of today. Anyone fancy a trip to München?

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